
Friday, May 18, 2007

Ezekiel is 12 weeks old and will be three months on Monday. He goes for his first portrait session Wednesday. He is smiling more and cries a lot less than he used to. He wants to sit up and look around. The past few days, when going to the store, I have put him in the Baby Bjorn that Lesli is letting me borrow. Ezekiel loves it! He hates being on his back, but he loves his tummy and sitting up.

These were shoes given to Malachi sometime last year by Grammy. She saw them on sale (less than $2 at Old Navy) and couldn't resist. Daniel calls them Malachi's "grandpa" shoes, because they remind him of the shoes that his late Grandpa Howard used to wear. They are still a little big for him, but he likes them. We finally had to put the Spiderman shoes to rest. They were too small. Ezekiel will get use out of them in about a year.

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