
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dear Malachi,

I have really enjoyed spending time with you this week. I've been off for my Spring Break. We have been able to play outside together, have lunch together, and take special trips together (most of them with Z, too). You are talking sooo much better each week. You love life and live it large! You have an impressive imagination. Anything can become an animal or any cup can become coffee to share. You are also an incredibly well behaved little boy. I am amazed at times at how well you listen and follow directions for being 2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days (according to your Lilypie ticker). When I get you out of the car and then we walk over to get Z, you always wait for me to grab your hand before walking around the car. You wait for me to get Z out and then grab my hand again. When Ezekiel is crying in the car, you will usually try to do something to make him laugh.

You are Mommy's little helper. You will throw things away when asked, put things away, get things out. You also love to sing with me. You will sing my favorite songs when they come on the radio, and you'll sing the A-B Song with me as well as others. I've just had an absolute blast lately. After we get past a few hours of you forgetting that you can't get away with certain things with Mommy & Daddy, you will gladly oblige and listen later. We typically do a short time-out with you in your room/bed when needed. It usually works.

The way that you talk, play, and act now really makes me proud as a parent to be your Mom. I know that I can't take credit for most of it. All the glory goes to God and blessing us with an incredible son! Thursday night you and I ran out to Babies R Us to use a coupon about to expire. We took Daddy's car, and I rolled down the window for you. You put your hand on the door and let the wind blow through your hair. You enjoyed just taking it all in. You were so well behaved in the store, and you tried on a couple of pairs of shoes for me. On the way home, I just wanted to do something special for you, so we stopped at Sonic and got you a "special drink." You would have thought I bought you the world. You were so excited to have your special drink and kept talking about it.

I just kept looking back at you and realizing what I hadn't before. It was then that I understood. You see, your Grandpa occasionally will get this far-off look in his eyes (like he's proud, about to cry, and jump out of his skin with joy, all at the same time) when he looks at me or you or Z. That evening I finally got it. It's like I could just pinch your cheeks and hug all over you all day long and that it wouldn't be enough. I am so proud of who you are, so overjoyed that you are in my life, and about to cry when I think of how far you have come and how much farther you have to go. I love you so very much, but I don't know how else to say it or explain truly how I feel.

Thank you for being an incredible little boy! We'll keep playing your "songs" on DVD, especially the Jubilee song. My prayer always has and will be that you become and incredible man of God, and I hope that we are doing all that we can to set that example and raise you up in a Godly manner. You are my first born (and probably the most like me---between you and Z). I love you!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

13 Month Comparison



The Boys Today

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


"bop, bop, bop" - his pacifier (what Malachi calls all pacifiers)
"ba, ba" - bye, bye
"da, da" - Daddy

I swear that he knows what he is saying. He also tries to repeat certain phrases like, thank you.

Ezekiel is growing much faster than expected. He is getting better and better at walking. He wants to run, not walk. He can turn in any direction by basically using a pivot foot. He loves to lift both his hands way up in the air when we say, "Praise the Lord!" He will also do it all on his own when he coughs. He still loves his big brother. He wants to be in the middle of everything, especially what I am doing. He is still a Momma's boy, but he is getting better at being content with Dad and others. He has 6 teeth still. He is actually growing and gaining some weight. He normally eats like a horse and much more than his big brother.

He is such a joy, but he makes it difficult to make dinner. He is still very clingy and wanting to be held. I remember this stage with Malachi now and how difficult it was to make dinner or do anything else while he was awake. I can't wait for him to get a little bit more independent (and listen better). He is much more mobile and in to everything that he's not supposed to be into, than his brother. Malachi was a much better "listener" at this age and doing the "right thing." He definitely gives me a run for my money.

He also loves Kiev! Any time he eats, I think the two of them have certain visual signals that I don't see. He likes to giver her food, and she will not leave his side while he is sitting at his seat. Go figure!

Ezekiel's first ride in a forward-facing carseat (Sat., March 15)

Saturday, March 08, 2008


  • "Zee, hap-py" - Z is happy. He also tells us when he is crying ("ty-in"), he is sad, or silly ("see-eee").
  • "Da-doo" - Thank you
  • "Well-wum" - Your welcome
  • "Paw-srill" - Paw-Paw Phil (this one just cracks me up the way he says it)
  • "My pay Paw house" - Malachi (I) am playing at Grandpa's house - anytime he talks about someone or uses their name as an Possessive noun adjective, he shortens it to one syllable (like "Da in Da bed" - Daddy in Daddy's bed)
  • "Yes, mam" - Yes, ma'am (sir) - last weekend he just started saying "yes." Before he would repeat the phrase if he meant yes. Now he will answer with yes and starting about Thursday this week, he started adding ma'am most of the time. We are working with him on addressing men by sir, but right now "yes, ma'am" is cute even to his Daddy.
  • "Shh, Zee, see-peen" - Shh, Z is sleeping
  • ***He is using the G and K sounds more often but still not on a consistent basis. I am encouraged, and I know others are because he is getting better to understand with each day.***
"Ezekiel-isms, too"
Ezekiel is also babbling more and more. He doesn't seem to say mom & dad with purpose but he does have the ma-ma, da-da, ba-ba, and few other occasional sounds. He has just turned the corner to toddler-hood. He has always been flexible, but he is getting better at playing and being happy until he is tired. Then, he lets you know it is naptime. He loves life and lives large. He listens to our "no"s a little better and enjoys being part of the whole part of play-time with Malachi. He loves to push cars around and give everything the taste test, still.

Happy Birthday, Aubri!

Ok. So I wanted to give a shout-out to my new "official" niece, who just had her first birthday party today!

I don't remember her birth date exactly. I need to put it in my calendar, but she is 2-3 weeks younger than Ezekiel---imagine me not remembering something! I have a friend who teases me about not even being able to remember how old I am (which is totally true).

I also didn't realize that I had been misspelling her name for a year until I saw it spelled out on her cake. I wish someone would have corrected me. The English teacher in me always likes to spell words and names correctly. Well, now I know---and knowing is half the battle (GI Joe)!

Happy 1st Birthday, Aubri! Malachi and Ezekiel had a blast at your party. Enjoy all your presents, oh, and welcome to the family (officially). You have always been a part of the family, but I'm glad it is official. You have a great mom & dad (and the rest of the family, too:)!!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Recent Events in Our Life

Ezekiel has been taking more and more steps lately. He just gets so excited or wants to run much faster than his little legs can carry him that he gives up and does his speed crawl. I don't know if I have ever seen a baby crawl that fast. He went in to the doctor on Wednesday this week for his 12 mo. check-up. He was 16 lbs. & 14 oz. and 28 3/4 in. long. That means that he has gained around a pound in 6 months! I am absolutely baffled. Ezekiel eats more and better than Malachi. He's no where close to being turned around in his carseat. It is kind of sad, he's a year old, and we are still using the carrier carseat! I guess we'll start slipping Carnation Instant Breakfast into his soy milk to get him to gain weight. He eats well and is happy, but I guess his metabolism is extremely high due to his high level activity at such a young age. He is in the bottom 3% in weight, like the top 10% in height, and almost at a learning level of 18 mo. He really is smart for his age, just tiny!

Malachi is talking more and more often and speaking more and more clearly. He's really starting to SING and catch on to things quickly. He likes to sing his ABCs, Happy Birthday, Jesus Loves Me, Hot Dog Song (from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), Little Einstein's theme song, and two songs from My Friends Tigger & Pooh. On Wednesday evening as we were leaving for church, one of my favorite songs were on the radio (Amazing Grace [My Chains are Gone]) and Malachi starting singing the song. It probably helps that I like to belt the song each time it comes on. I love it! This evening, when we were leaving Lowe's, a song was on about Christ being "Holy, Holy, Holy." Malachi was singing along with, "holy, holy, holy." This realization of how impressionable my children are and how hard I have worked to make our lifestyles to be those that are excellent examples to our children, is mind-blowing! I love to hear him sing. It melts me through and through.

Last week I noticed that he had cut 3 of his 4 two-year molars. It's about time kid. Ezekiel has had 6 teeth for at least a month now. Daniel & I still have all our teeth. He, he, he:)

In just a few days, Daniel and I will be traveling with 187 eighth graders to the Outer Banks for 3 days. The boys will be with grandparents (all different ones at various times).

I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown but am working to resolve that this week. I'm just too stressed & tired. I have been more sick in the past 6 months than I have been in the past 6 years. It's not fair to my family or to my students at work. Daniel has a different possibility of a job change to what he wants and is called to do. Please pray!

We just bought a new dishwasher and disposal for our house. The dishwasher sounded like it was about to fall apart into a gazillion pieces and spill water all over the place. We got a good deal, and Daniel installed them both. The boys had fun today playing in the box (or should I say, house).

Malachi is using the g and k sounds some now but not always. He's impressing me with his memory and how attentive to certain things that he is.

Here are some birthday pictures as well as some others!

Oh, look Mommy! A forward-facing carseat that I can't use before I gain at least 3 pounds!
It was just what you asked for me, before you learned that I just don't gain weight. Ha, ha!

I love my cake, Momma! Thanks for letting me feed myself with a big ole spoon.
I enjoyed every bite, once I finally figured out that being messy was ok.

From this (Feb. 2007)

To this (Feb. 2008)

What a big boy!