
Tuesday, March 25, 2008


"bop, bop, bop" - his pacifier (what Malachi calls all pacifiers)
"ba, ba" - bye, bye
"da, da" - Daddy

I swear that he knows what he is saying. He also tries to repeat certain phrases like, thank you.

Ezekiel is growing much faster than expected. He is getting better and better at walking. He wants to run, not walk. He can turn in any direction by basically using a pivot foot. He loves to lift both his hands way up in the air when we say, "Praise the Lord!" He will also do it all on his own when he coughs. He still loves his big brother. He wants to be in the middle of everything, especially what I am doing. He is still a Momma's boy, but he is getting better at being content with Dad and others. He has 6 teeth still. He is actually growing and gaining some weight. He normally eats like a horse and much more than his big brother.

He is such a joy, but he makes it difficult to make dinner. He is still very clingy and wanting to be held. I remember this stage with Malachi now and how difficult it was to make dinner or do anything else while he was awake. I can't wait for him to get a little bit more independent (and listen better). He is much more mobile and in to everything that he's not supposed to be into, than his brother. Malachi was a much better "listener" at this age and doing the "right thing." He definitely gives me a run for my money.

He also loves Kiev! Any time he eats, I think the two of them have certain visual signals that I don't see. He likes to giver her food, and she will not leave his side while he is sitting at his seat. Go figure!

Ezekiel's first ride in a forward-facing carseat (Sat., March 15)

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