
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Reclaiming the Bedroom

Last night Ezekiel slept in a room all by himself (meaning, he didn't sleep in our room). I was excited about having no baby in the bedroom, but I was a little sad that he was "so far away." He was only right down a short hallway, and we had the monitor on, but I was still a little uneasy. I woke up at 1am, so I went down the hall to check on him. He was fine.

He woke up at 5am. I fed him. He went back to sleep. Did anyone catch that??? He slept "through the night." He went to sleep around 9pm and didn't wake up until 5am! Woo-hoo. AND he hasn't had to be rocked to sleep in several days. As long as he's put down when he's tired, he'll lay there for a little while (if he's still super-awake) and then go to sleep on his own. I am missing out on some cuddles, but I've been in the baby stage for a little over two years. I'm ready to be done for awhile.

***We didn't move Malachi out until about 9 months. We should have moved him out sooner, but I didn't realize that he was waking up and crying, because he saw us and wanted to get in bed with us. We definitely have made some better, more independent choices this time with Ezekiel, but I occasionally miss having him in bed to cuddle. I am definitely happy to have a "master" bedroom again.

It's nice to have three bedrooms, even if Ezekiel is sharing "his room" with the office. Give me a few more nights of checking on him, and I think I'll be ready to let him sleep and myself sleep all night long (if he decides to continue this trend, which would be perfect timing for me to go back to work TOMORROW)!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yay Ezekial! You have your own room!

Isn't sleep NICE? :) We didn't keep Avery in our room nearly as long as we did Callie, just like you guys did with your boys. At least with second babies you know what you DON'T want to do again!