
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Brotherly Love

I wish that I could describe the love that these two boys have for each other already. It's awesome! They just have that brother connection and have had it since Ezekiel was born.

Malachi likes to "holt" Z on the Boppy like his Momma. Aren't they just the cutest boys you have ever seen?

Ezekiel was giving Malachi a taste of his own medicine by pulling his hair and swatting at his face. It was cute, and Malachi loved it!

The other evening I sat Malachi and Ezekiel in Malachi's little beanbag chair. I got Malachi to put his arm around Z's neck/shoulders. Malachi then began to "read" his "ba-bull" (Bible) to Z. He pointed out objects in the pictures and turned the pages to show him. I wish I could have grabbed my camera, but I had to make sure Malachi wasn't going to push Ezekiel away or let him wiggle onto the floor.

I know there will be more moments like this as well as other moments on the opposite spectrum, but I am enjoying the sweetness right now.

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