
Monday, August 13, 2007

Ezekiel Luke at 5 1/2 Months

Ezekiel is getting so much more personality. He is smiling more and more. If you hold him or turn him just the right way, he will give out the sweetest little giggle. He's transitioning from 3 naps to 2. Sometimes he will take two, sometimes its three. It just depends on how late he sleeps in the morning.

He can roll over from any side or from back or front like a pro. He is beginning to refine the skills of grabbing an object and getting it to his mouth. It's cool to see him discover the usefulness of his hands. "Zee-zul" is how Malachi pronounces his name when prompted to call him Ezekiel instead of Z. We call him both, but we are working with Malachi. Malachi's speech is getting much better and words that were often mispronounced horribly are now getting much closer the the actual sounds.

I miss getting baby cuddles like I used to get from Malac
hi, but I also really enjoy the freedom of having a baby who sleeps so well on his own. Ezekiel is much more particular about where and how he sleeps than Malachi ever was at this age. Ezekiel will NOT fall asleep on his back unless he is in his carseat with the car actively moving. If we stop, he wakes up. He also likes to be rocked to sleep. I am trying to get the third bedroom up and working as a nursery for a few months, because I want Ezekiel to work on getting himself back to sleep. That way, I can sleep a little better at night. Sometimes he will fuss his way back to sleep, but sometimes he begins to wail. If he wails, there's no going back to sleep for this muchacho for awhile.After Ezekiel pretty much gets on the same schedule as Malachi, I think we will try to move them in together. Malachi's room is rather small, but if we move out the chest of drawers and rework the closet, there should be no problems.

We started him on cereal as you saw about a week ago. We tried one other time, and he's just not keen on it. I'm not trying to force it, but he's continually reaching for our food and drink, which leads me to believe that he is ready. Daniel suggested going ahead and mixing the cereal with a little baby food to sweeten it up. When I have a chance to get to the store, I think I'll try it. Even if he isn't eating, I can usually put him in his high chair and let him eat his toes while we eat. It's nice to have my hands free for a few minutes to scarf down my food.

Z can only sit up on his own for about 2 seconds, but we're working on it. He doesn't seem to care too much about it, because as soon as I sit him up, he leans over to try to grab his toes and put them in his mouth. Go figure. They taste good to him!?!

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