
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Day to End All Days

Two major things happened today (yesterday, actually---it's just 1am on Wednesday now).

1. We closed on our house yesterday morning. We are now the official owners of a house. Wow! This is our first house that we have owned. I am planning on moving in on Thursday. All of the renovations are not complete yet, but the house is live-able. I'm sooooooooo excited! Our own house! I love my parents, but, boy, do we all need our space! Mom and Dad are such a blessing. We couldn't have done the home buying without their support. Thanks you two. We are eternally indebted to you (really, we are)!

2. As we were leaving to close on our house, Malachi threw a temper tantrum and knocked his head on the hinge of the door which put a deep gash right above his eyebrow. When Grammy brought him out to us, his face was covered (and I mean covered) in blood. In the few short seconds from the time I closed the door to the time we started to back out of the driveway, the cut spurted ounces of blood out to which Malachi wildly spread all over his face. It was a very, very scary experience. Daniel rushed in after me, and I could hear the panic in his voice. Grammy talked me through what happened while I tried to calm down Malachi and wipe his face and hands clean at the same time (quickly, I might add).

Thankfully, Malachi calmed down enough for us to get out the door. We were only about 5 minutes late to closing. On the way to the lawyer's office, I called the doctor and scheduled a "sick" appointment. When we arrived (2 hours after the incident), Malachi's head still hadn't scabbed over. They took us straight to their in-house "surgery/procedure" room. The nurse practitioner said that he needed stitches, but glue would work just fine, too, and actually would work better for a little guy like Malachi.

She cleaned his cut thoroughly and then proceeded to "glue his head back together." Malachi did pretty well for being just 2 years old. He got a "pop-pop" (Dum-dum) and a truck sticker during the process. I'm glad we took him in. The only problem is that he can't get it wet until its ready to be peeled off (7-10 days from now).

And we're going back today (Wednesday at 10am) for his 2 year well check-up with shots. I tried to kill two birds with one stone yesterday, but it was too close to lunch. Fun, fun, fun. I really have enjoyed our Pediatrician, but, seriously people, I have made waaaaaaaaaay too many trips there in the past 5 months. Something's gotta give.

***Note to self and sleeping pattern is way off due to an infant who hasn't been sleeping well lately. I took a nap today while both the boys were passed out, and now I'm wide awake at 1 in the morning. Something's gotta give. I need to get reacquainted with a few hours of consecutive sleep. I'm going to try to lay down and sleep again. Wish me luck. Oh, wait, you all will be reading this a long time after this is done. Thanks for the thoughts anyways.***

Pictures of the gash to come:)

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