
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

4 and a Half Months

Ezekiel is starting to change from what I like to call the "infant" stage to the "baby" stage. When I think of infant, I think of a newborn. When I think of baby, I think of a small child who smiles and coos and is learning by watching all the things around him. He really is changing quickly. His personality continues to come out more. He is looking like he is actually "playing" with the toys on the exersaucer. He doesn't like to be left along (unless its naptime). He'll cry when I walk away from him to go into the kitchen or something, and he will be happy when I return.

His eyesight isn't the greatest yet, but he can see from farther away than he used to. It often takes him awhile to focus in on something, but when he does, a big smile will appear (especially when he sees me:)) He LOVES to hear his Daddy's voice and laugh at him. If he's eating when Daniel tries to talk to me, he will immediately pull away and look for his face. It's precious but a little frustrating at times.

His routine was easy to figure out (it only took me about 2 days). It fluctuates around an hour of each thing, and he does well if he misses one of his three naps, but if he misses more than 1, it's over!
  • 8am - wake up and smile at Momma
  • 8:30 - eat breakfast and play until naptime
  • 10:00 - down for a nap
  • 11:15 - up from a nap
  • 11:30 - eat "lunch" and play until naptime
  • 1:00pm - down for a nap
  • 2:30 - up from nap, time to eat, play until next naptime
  • 4:00 - down for a nap
  • 5:00 - up from nap
  • 5:30 - eat "dinner" and play until bedtime
  • 8:00-8:30 - eat and drift off to sleep
He gets a bath about every other day. It was about every 4 days or more at first because his skin was sooooooo dry, but now his skin isn't as dry. Baths are more frequent now.

Ezekiel will usually wake up once or twice at night and want to eat or nurse to go back to sleep. It was a little rocky there about a week to a month ago. He was waking up anywhere from 4-5 times a night. Boy was I tired, but I think we're out of the woods now, and I have learned that its OK to let him cry a little.
Ezekiel shows that he is the happiest when he sticks out his tongue

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