
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Malachi Has Something to Share...

"I am going to be a big brother!"

I discovered through taking a test at home that I "passed." I am about 8 weeks pregnant. My due date is around February 24th. I haven't been to the doctor yet. I have about 4 weeks until I need to get all the stuff done. I was looking for a midwife group, but the only one in Concord is not taking new patients. Now I have to find an OB/Gyn in Concord or look for a midwife group in Charlotte that's not too far away.

Malachi "told" all the family by wearing this shirt. He enjoyed the attention that it got him. Even though he had no clue, he was excited to see all the excitement.

My brother told me that he didn't know that we were ready to have another child. (Snicker, snicker) We weren't ready to have another child, but God has blessed us. I was in utter shock for a few days and almost in denial. Now I am excited! Malachi will be about 20 months and be a little more self-sufficient (snicker, snicker). I don't know how it will all happen, but it will be just fine. God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I just know that the next time I get in the process of complete weaning, I need to be more careful by taking a pill or other measures.

We are surprised but extremely happy. I look forward to meeting this little girl or boy and finding out in about 12 weeks whether we are having a girl or a boy. Until then, we will have to see. I hope you all will start praying for us now. We can use it. We have to find a place to move to in about 7 months and get a lot of things ready. All while I am working on my second year of teaching! Who's idea was this again?!? Oh, yeah. I forgot.


Unknown said...

Daniel and Morgan, I am SOOO thrilled for you. You are right, God gives us only what we can handle, although sometimes if feels like we're awfully close to the line. I am excited that Malachi will be a big brother and will have someone to play with. We love you guys!

Kim said...

Congratulations!!!! Having children close is great. Mine are 26 months apart. If you want to give me a birthday present next year -- shoot for February 28th!!!!! That would make a nice present for me!

Morgan said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement! We will probably be shooting for Feb. 28th. I think that is also Daniel's mom's birthday. So we'll see if we could give you a present, too, Kim! I hope to see you all soon.