
Monday, July 24, 2006

How do you know when your baby has become a toddler?

  • You count over 7 bruises on his two legs.
  • You watch your son get two bruises on his head/face in two days (one being on the coffee table, one on the concrete around a pool).
  • You can no longer cook or do anything else while he is awake without getting tugging and whining at your legs.

At first I thought that Malachi was pretty careful. He had very few bruises when he started crawling and toddling. The past week has changed my mind. He was doing his routine rounds around the coffee table and slipped. He fell hard and slammed his chin into the table. He still has a little bruise. He only cried for about 5 minutes, but it was hard to watch. The next day, we were at the YMCA getting ready to witness one of our members be baptized. Malachi was crawling around and somehow fell on his head. He had a nice concrete imprint and swollen bruise for a few days. Just this morning, I was showering, and Malachi was playing with his toys on the other side of the curtain. All of a sudden, I hear a "thud." He just fell backwards while sitting and playing with toys! He never does that! Go figure!

I don't know which one is harder: accidently bumping my son on items while holding him or watching him fall and get hurt, knowing that there was nothing I could do to protect him. I am realizing that I am no longer totally in control of my son's life. Scary! He is not totally dependent on Mommy anymore.

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