
Monday, August 18, 2008

On the Way Up

So, after my post about Ralph, it got worse. Malachi gave up his food 3 times on Saturday. He had extreme diarrhea on Sunday. I woke up with the same on Sunday. Then about noon, I started getting a visit from Ralph. Thankfully, I was able to eat and drink a little bit Sunday evening.

I went to work today (as did Daniel), and the boys started school. I was concerned at how the 3 of us would do today. My stomach is still not back to normal, but I am doing well. I ate a hearty lunch and kept it all down. The boys didn't eat much today (the same story for the weekend), and they still have some diarrhea. I am thankful for how quickly I recovered and that Ralph decided not to stay long.

I think Daniel was able to escape the disease. He had an upset stomach yesterday but nothing else.

I know that you all care about the details of our intimate lives, but I thought I would document for posterity sake. Not quite sure why, but let's run with it.

***As I was typing this post, Malachi coughed and started calling for me. I left him in his room. When he starting calling louder, I went in, and he said, "Mommy, I say bleah." Yes, he had thrown up after going over 48 hours without doing that. He's been better today, though, and eating. I'll be praying for Ralph to stay far away.***

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