
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back to "Normal" and a Prayer Request

Well, we all seem to be back to normal around here. Daniel's stomach has been bothering him lately, but he hasn't been paid a visit by Ralph, so I think we're in the clear. Malachi, Ezekiel, and I seem to have our stomachs back to our normal eating schedule. The boys didn't eat much this week at "school" or at home (probably due to recovering from upset stomachs). Today, though, they have both been eating like horses! They had cereal for breakfast around 8am, then we decided to do our Saturday "tradition" of going out to breakfast on Saturday at about 10am. We got the boys toast and grits to share, while Daniel and I had the bigger breakfasts. They ate several pieces of toast and most of the grits. Then, they napped early without "lunch." They had letter cookies from Trader Joe's on the way to a family birthday party. Then they both pigged out on nothing healthy. Before bed, they shared a chicken tender and a few french fries. I think they ate more today then the whole week combined.

Daniel's grandfather has been in the hospital for about a week. They have diagnosed him with the early stages of Alzheimer's and just put in a feeding tube to help him eat (because food was trying to go down to his lungs). I won't say much more, but please remember him in your prayers and know that we greatly need them here. Thank you!

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