
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Living in the Land of Ralph

Why can't my youngest child just be healthy now?

Ok. So you saw how Ezekiel was sick and had to have nebulizer treatments to help clear his lungs (thankfully no pneumonia). Well, as we were driving home on Thursday night, a little before midnight, Ezekiel woke up and threw up. We're on I-85 in a place where there is like 4 lanes of traffic to cross to get to an exit and find a place to pull over to clean the poor boy up. He puked a little bit more when we got home about 2am (Friday morning). He then was done. He ate like a half a piece of pizza all day yesterday with about a half a cup of soy milk and 2-3 cups of juice. We thought he was clear of the throw up until about midnight last night when he coughed in his bed and threw up. He finished it on our laminate floor. After that I put up the pack n play for him to sleep on so I wouldn't bother the sleeping Malachi. He hasn't thrown up yet, today either, and has seemed to be in a better mood. He's eaten a few cheese goldfish and had a cup of juice, but that's all.

Well, Malachi was about to go have lunch with his Daddy a little before 1pm today (I was staying home with the sleeping Z), when he walked into our bedroom (about where Ezekiel did most of his throw up) and threw up. He said he felt fine after we cleaned him up, and he said, "I no want to frow up da-gin" (I don't want to throw up again). He still went with Daddy, but he said that he doesn't want to eat now.

My stomach is messed up, but I haven't thrown up. At times I have felt like it, but I haven't felt that bad.

I thought we might've had food poisoning from a new restaurant we tried on the way home, but now I just think it might be a stomach bug. How fun!

I have to go back to work on Monday, and I'm supposed to teach my typically older 2s class tomorrow. I guess I need to go call in for that one. I hope this thing is over soon. Lord, deliver us! :)

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