
Monday, November 13, 2006

New Shoes

We broke down and bought Malachi brand new athletic shoes. He had none that fit him, and it has been getting cold lately. We didn't want to buy him "character" shoes, but Spiderman was the only pair we could find that wasn't lace up and over $20. The main comforting thought was that, "I can use these shoes again in about a year or so with Malachi's little brother." Well, Malachi loves his shoes! He acts like he can run when he puts his shoes on. It,s like his Spiderman shoes give him "super powers." Go figure! It truly amazes me sometimes to see him like to wear shoes so much. It's not like he ever wore shoes, ever, before he was a year old and walking. I'm just glad that this battle was nonexistent. What a great kid!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Callie just got new "running" shoes tonight! Woohoo, now she and Malachi can race each other outside :)