
Monday, November 13, 2006

Many Teeth

Today, yes I said today, I am actually posting something on the day it happened. Anywho, today Grammy discovered that Malachi has a new tooth. This puts him up to 11 teeth, 7 teeth and 4 molars. It is also comforting to me. The tooth that is coming in is next to one of the first teeth that he got. It is on the bottom and only the third one on the bottom (not including his two molars). Way to go Grammy and Malachi.

I think this explains his clumsiness the past few days. Almost every time a tooth is about to emerge, he loses all sense of balance. Unfortunately, this is the first time he has lost all balance while walking/running. He's taller now, too. That means that he has farther to fall. I say all this to tell you that he has had a few more spills and a few more bruises. Thursday he was walking on the driveway and just fell. He busted his lip open on the top. It is still pretty nasty looking, but Malachi doesn't show that it bothers him. Then, Sunday, he was playing in the nursery and fell. He got a pretty nice bruise on his head from that one. After noticing his tooth this evening, it all makes sense. He normally has good balance and can catch himself but not when a tooth is coming in. I don't think that they list that symptom with teething. It should be added. It is a proven fact with my little boy. I don't know how much more I can take, though! I can't stand seeing my little boy all banged and bruised, especially when there is nothing that I can do to help or change it.

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