
Monday, April 09, 2007

Ezekiel is Growing

Ezekiel is almost 7 weeks old and changing by the hour. We are all sleeping a little better. Ezekiel won't sleep on his back or side, but he sleeps like a champ on his stomach. I tried for several weeks to avoid this, but we all needed our sleep. I'm trying to keep a good eye on him. Since I've been putting him on his tummy, he'll sleep in his bassinet for nighttime and naps. He'll normally go around 5-6 hours at night without waking up. It's good. Last night he slept over six hours, ate, and went back to sleep. He woke up again three hours later. It was so nice. It will definitely make going back to work next week a whole lot easier.

He doesn't like to eat from a bottle, though. I'm not looking forward to sending him off with someone knowing that he will cry a lot and not eat a whole lot. Hopefully, we can find the right bottle and get him to eat better. He does not like the Avent (what we used with Malachi), but I've found a bottle by The First Year that he seems to tolerate a little better. He still will take a looooooooooong time to fight and finally eat from the bottle. I'm just praying that he will adjust. I'm going to do a bottle a day for him. Please pray that he makes the transition well.

Daniel and I continually talk about how different Ezekiel is from Malachi. It is just amazing, how two boys about 19-20 mo. apart that look similar could act so differently, even though Z has only been with us for close to 7 weeks. Z is still not a "happy" baby. He still sleeps most of the day (and night). When he is awake, we all have to work hard to keep him from crying. He doesn't like to swing or sit in his bouncy seat anymore. When he is awake, he just wants to be held and nurse. It is definitely do-able, though. I have gotten much more time to myself and no baby in the bed with Ezekiel. Malachi didn't give me a lot of time to myself for awhile, but that's ok. They are both different and both are total and complete blessings from God. Now that Ezekiel is here with us, I can't imagine life without him, even though it was less than 2 months ago. Ezekiel was a total surprise, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to be a mom of two, but I have been blessed by my Creator and given two of the most precious boys in the world. Malachi is such a joy to watch him grow and form words. Ezekiel is gaining ounces each day and forming his opinion of the world.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me three of the most incredible men/boys in the world. I am blessed beyond belief.

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