
Friday, June 09, 2006

11 Months Old

Today, Malachi, you are officially 11 months old. You are only 30 days away from being 1 year. Wow! At this time a year ago, Daddy and I were sitting around the house just waiting and praying for you to come. You and Mommy were getting huge (and I mean huge!) . It was HOT. Mommy knew that school would be quickly approaching and that meant less time with you. Mommy doesn't remember a whole lot about the month before your birth except for sitting around the house with her feet propped up, watching TV, and praying that labor would start soon. Mommy only had about 3 shirts that she could wear. Boy, is she glad that you are here now. It has been a whole lot more fun than getting huge and just feeling you move.

Also, you are scooting better than ever. Today you scooted from one side of your room to the other to get toys. Then, you scooted under your crib in order to get to Mommy. You are already good at math. You know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I knew that you were smart, but you continue to amaze me. I can't wait to be amazed some more. I have until August 21st to spend time with you and Daddy. I am so stoked! I love you Malachi. Keep being the sweet boy that I know you are.

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