
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Praise the Lord!

Malachi has made such an easy transition from sleeping in our room to sleeping in his own crib in his own room. I'm glad Mom and Dad have a big house with lots of rooms. Every night since my last post, Malachi has slept through the night. He did wake up this morning around 5am, but I just went in his room and gave him his pacifier. It was on the other side of the crib. He went back to sleep until almost 8am. He is sleeping 12 hours straight at night now. I just want to thank the Lord for an easy transition from our room to his. He cries very little and goes to sleep within minutes. Daniel and I have been truly blessed to have a child who is easy going and easily managed. He is a great sleeper, loves to ride in the car and walk around outside and the mall. He is growing so much each day. I can't wait until I am done with school for the summer and get to spend some much needed time with my son.

He isn't crawling or walking still. He is close to crawling, but he often gets frustrated quickly on his tummy. I am enjoying playing with him. His skills are getting more refined. He still can't really pick up food very well, but he can grab something bigger very easily. When he reaches for a toy, he gets it on the first try and without searching with his hands much. Right now he is sitting beside me on the floor. He just picked up a piece of paper and is playing with it. Now he picked up a second piece of paper and has one in each hand. Maybe I need to warn Grammy about not leaving random papers on the floor. Anything within reach is fair game. I love you Malachi!

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