
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Eight Blessed Hours

Malachi went to sleep last night about 8:30 pm. He didn't cry any until 6 am. He got out of bed at 7:30am. He slept for 11 hours straight, in his crib, in the other room. This is only the second time since Malachi's birth that I have gotten the chance to sleep 8 glorious hours straight! Thank you, Jesus! It was a Friday night and Saturday morning. I was able to take full advantage of Malachi's sleep. He has also taken his naps in his crib today. Thankfully, this has been a pretty easy transition from sleeping in our room and bed to his crib.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yay Malachi! I am so glad you are enjoying sleeping in your own room. One day, Morgan, I will join you in the world of SLEEP at night. You've got 7 months on me though! :) I'm working on Avery taking her naps in her crib instead of in her bouncy seat or on the floor or wherever is convenient for when she falls asleep. It's slow-going right now.