
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sleeping...What's That???

Malachi has not been sleeping well lately. Hmm... I wonder why? Oh yeah, he's got a tooth or two trying to push its way through his tender little gums. I know that he has been "teething" for over three months now, but he is finally cutting his first tooth or two. His symptoms and fussiness are getting worse by the day. Today he wouldn't let us rub his gums like we have been doing to see if any teeth are poking through. He would have none of the sort. He only wanted to be held and had a pacifier in his mouth most of the day. It is comforting to him to be able to chew and suck on something soft.

We started the pacifier when he wasn't sleeping for 8 hours at a time at 6 months. I think it really helps his gums feel better. Up until that point, we rarely used a pacifier.

His sleeping habits have been getting worse and worse the past few weeks. There were a couple of nights right before my spring break began and during spring break that Malachi decided that he would be awake for a couple of hours when it was time to sleep. In order to help him sleep better, we would put him in bed with us. I know, I know. We were giving in, but when you are a working mom and need sleep in order to deal with hormone-crazed middle schoolers, you just do what you have to do. I used to think that Malachi was hungry, but when he would just gnaw on me instead of suck, I realized that he could go 8-12 hours without eating. He wasn't hungry. His mouth hurt. I am frustrated and tired, but I know that it will be over soon.

Don't get me wrong. I love this age. He sits and plays so well. He is not mobile yet and is content to sit in one place. He is conscious of a lot of things that he is doing, and his thinking is becoming much more complex. His smile and laugh light up a dark room. I just want these teeth to hurry up and poke through. Then, I can sleep and maybe get rid of his pacifier. I don't care that he might bite me while nursing. I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I want sleep---8 hours of straight, blessed sleep. I have only had that opportunity once in the past nine and a half months. I love you Malachi, but please sleep soon!

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