
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dear Malachi,

You are the most precious little boy on the face of the earth. You are growing so quickly. About two weeks ago you started feeding yourself some food. It is so funny. At first, you would scoop your hand down to get the food and at the same time, you would move your head down to the food with your mouth open. Now you are confident enough to do it without moving your head.
Sometimes you get the food in between your thumb and finger. Other times you just get the food in your hand and stick almost your whole hand in your mouth. It works for you, though. I am very proud of you. You don't like to pick up messy food like spaghetti, but you can pick up fruit/veggie puffs, cheerios, and pieces of bread. This makes me very happy. It is just one step closer to you being a more independent eater. That means I will have more time to worry about feeding myself instead of feeding you. I still rarely get to eat my food while it is hot, but that's ok. You are very important to me.

Mobility. Now there is a new subject that you just haven't conquered yet. I like this stage of your life. I don't have to worry about you falling down the stairs or getting into something that you should not. If you put you down and walk out of the room briefly, you will still be in the same spot that I left you. Don't worry about getting behind in school or in life or something like that. You are a very smart, capable little man. You will start crawling or walking whenever you are ready. People in the world try to rush these things. You can do it whenever you set your mind to doing it.

You are still sleeping through the night. Again, this makes me very happy. It only took nine and a half months, but you are finally sleeping through the night. I get to sleep 8 hours a night or however much I can get in before 7 am.

The past few weeks we have been having problems with Mommy making enough milk for you. She messed it up a little by starting on regular birth control pill (which she promptly st
opped when she realized what had happened). Then, last week I got a stomach virus. All the stored up milk was used. You nursed through most of the virus but did not catch it. Thank goodness. I wouldn't want my worst enemy going through that. Today I stayed home from work to nurse you and try to get my milk supply up and going again. I am also taking Fenugreek which will hopefully help increase my milk, too. You have developed an extreme allergy to formula. Monday was not a fun day for your Great-grandma or me. So, if there is no milk from Mommy you have to drink juice or water. You weren't too fond of that either yesterday.Malachi, I just have so much fun watching you grow and interact with other people. You love to watch what is going on around you. Sleep is not an option if you are in a new place. That's ok. I love that you take it all in. You love to play with your toys and spill them all out of the basket, bucket, or gym. You love playing little games with your Daddy, too. I know that he can't wait until you can go out in the backyard and play ball. I almost bought you some balls today to play with, but we just can't afford it right now. You have enough toys to play with.

Sleep sweetly in your crib each night and each nap. I am totally looking forward to this summer when I get to spend lots of time with you, and maybe even go on a date with your Daddy without you. We'll let you hang with the other family. Keep being sweet and flexible. I can't wait to see you become a true little boy and toddle around.

I love you forever and always.


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