
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Malachi's Birthday Party

Malachi had his birthday party Saturday (yesterday) and really enjoyed it. He got lots of cool toys and even some money. He played with some friends in the water and watched his other friends go down the slide. Even though he likes to go down the inflatable slide, he was afraid to go down it with water. So, he hung out in the small little kiddie pool.

Malachi opening presents and cards

Getting a little help from Momma to blow out the candles

Malachi and Ezekiel playing in the kiddie pool

Malachi's best bud, Kyla, going down the slide

Malachi's cousin, Jasmine, hurling her way down the slide

***Last night when I was laying down in Malachi's new big boy bed (twin bed) with him and talking with him about his day, he said, "I got snot on my suitcase." It took me a few seconds to figure out what he was saying. What he meant was his pillowcase! He caught Ezekiel's cold and after fussing about not wanting to go to sleep, he rubbed his snot on his pillowcase and didn't want me to lay in it. How sweet!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yay! Looks like you guys had so much fun. Wish we could have been there. We'll see you soon!