
Saturday, December 01, 2007

I Spoke Too Soon

In my last post, I said that we were on the up and up on our way out of sickness, but I was wrong. I had a nasty cold last week (beginning on Thanksgiving---yeah, that was fun!). I was finally starting to feel better Saturday afternoon and Sunday, but Sunday afternoon my ear started clogging up with fluid behind it. Monday morning I woke up feeling like a Mack truck just hit me. I went to the doctor and got an antibiotic for my horrible ear infection. I went to work on Tuesday, but still felt awful. Since Wednesday, I have continued to feel better. The only problem, starting sometime last night (Friday) Ezekiel started coming down with my cold symptoms. Malachi had been a little snotty, too, but doing well. I put Ezekiel to bed with one red eye (like I had for a few days) and coughing every now and then. You could tell his poor little throat hurt to cough. He would cry or whimper almost every time afterwards. Poor guy. I'm having to spray saline up his nose and suck it back out to hopefully help his snotty nose. He HATES it!!!

The boys have been sick off and on for the past month. I just want them to be better. Please pray that these sicknesses leave SOON.

1 comment:

Erin said...

That's what the girls were going through since the beginning of October. It's rough, I know. We'll be praying everyone gets healthy soon and STAYS healthy for a long time.