
Monday, December 24, 2007

Dear Ezekiel,

You turned 10 months old on Friday, last week, and you continue to amaze me each and everyday. You are FINALLY feeling better. It took a lot of antibiotics (the third round) and saline up the nose to finally conquer your ear infections and colds. I think it was around 4 weeks that you were sick. You are such a happy baby, and it killed me to see you sick, but you handled it like a pro (just like your brother). You are a trooper. You don't miss much and want to be involved in everything that your big brother, momma, and daddy are involved in. You don't like to sleep when you know that something exciting is going on.

You can crawl (very quickly, I might add). You can put crackers in your mouth and very small items in your mouth as well. You can pull up to your knees easily and sometimes pull up to standing. You have to work a little harder on the latter. You don't cruise around furniture very much, but I think that's because you feel that you can get wherever you want by crawling. I don't worry much about you falling off of your rocking Pooh or anything else. You have always been very aware of your surroundings and fall softly on your appropriate body parts. Unless Malachi knocks you down, you can fall without getting hurt, and growing up with a big brother who is only 19 months older than you, you learned quickly to deal with it.

I love to see you smile, and your laugh is soooo contagious. I love how happy you are. You are rarely upset and cry anymore. This is a major change from your first few months of life. You used to cry all the time, but its not that way anymore. You truly are a happy baby.

About this time in your brother's life, he started to experience Momma withdrawals. You are content with other people to hold you and entertain you. However, if Momma is around, you want to be held by Momma. No one else will do then.

I love you Ezekiel, and I can't wait for you to make it to your first birthday! You've got about 4 lbs. to gain until then, but you can do it!

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