
Friday, March 23, 2007

Dear Ezekiel,

You are one month and two days old today. Yesterday at your appointment you weighed in at 9 lbs. 12 oz. Wow! The doctor says you must be taking in at least 28 oz. of milk a day in order to have gained over a pound in two weeks. You are up to 21 and a half inches. That's a gain of 1/2 an inch from birth. You are growing so quickly. You still don't sleep long periods of time at night, but we are starting to figure out a schedule/system, and it is making things easier on me.

You don't smile a lot yet, and you sleep A LOT! It seems like you are awake for about a total of 4 hours a day (not counting the time that you eat). Most of the time you eat and go back to sleep. The past few mornings you have been waking up about 7:30 or 8. That is when you will eat and be awake for awhile. It makes it hard for your Daddy to get out the door that way. He very rarely sees you awake. You also cry a lot. I don't remember your brother crying that much, but it's ok. You need a little more structure in your day, but are pretty good about going with the flow as long as you have a full stomach.

You seem to really like your big brother, Malachi, and he absolutely adores you. When I lay you on the blanket on the floor, he will lay there with you. He wants to put the blanket on you when you are sleeping in the swing. You do pretty well at sleeping through all the noise that he makes when he plays. I hope that means that you will be able to sleep through any noise just like Malachi can now. The first night at the hospital, you came in our room at about 3am. What did you do? You cried. The only way I could get you to not cry was to nurse. That's ok, though, because you latched on so quickly and helped my milk come in sooner. It was a long night. When your big brother came into the room to see us the next morning, you immediately calmed down and cried less from that point on. I hope and pray that you and Malachi will be close friends. When you get mobile, I know he'll be glad to show you the ropes.

I love you so much Ezekiel Luke. I can't wait to see more of your personality and all the wonderful things that God has in store for your life. I'm so glad that you are here. I have really enjoyed being home with you and your big brother.


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