
Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Words

He's actually beginning to use words to get his point across. It is truly amazing. Sure, he still whines and cries when he needs something but not always. You see, a few weeks ago we pulled down the dehydrator and dehydrated some fruit that was slightly too old to eat. Malachi loved eating the dried apples. He started saying apple or more like "ap-pa." At first he would just say it, not referring to anything, but a few days ago, he was communicating to me that he wanted apple. I was so excited! Now, all fruit right now is "ap-pa," but it still means that he is moving towards using his words to get what he wants/needs. After eating some ravioli, I asked him if he wanted some grapes. He smiled really big and said, "ap-pa." The following morning I was putting my lunch together, and I was adding a clementine. He looked at it and said, "ap-pa." You get the idea. All fruit is apple, but I can't tell you how thrilled I am that he is using words, words (!) to get his point across. Yeah! Another step towards independence!

These pictures below don't have anything to do with this post, but they were taken about a month ago. I just thought that they were cute, and you all would enjoy.

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