
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pizza and other things

Last weekend Malachi began being able to stand up on his own without pulling up on anything. Now that he has found this new skill, he is walking much more. He doesn't have to crawl to the couch or coffee table to get back up. He can do it on his own. This makes my job a little bit easier. Now I just have to convince him to hold my hand so he can walk out in public without being carried (or up the steps). Malachi loves to walk, just not where Mommy ever wants him to go.

Pizza, pizza, and more pizza. The kid is definitely an all-American kid. He loves pizza. The only thing is, is that he is only allowed to eat the crust. We are still concerned about his milk allergy. It seems to be much less than it was a few months ago. I guess that he is already in the process of "growing out of it." I am very thankful. We just try things in small doses. We also make sure that when we give him something that is a milk product, that the milk is cooked/baked. He doesn't seem to have a reaction to cheese or milk that is cooked or baked into a product. Last night I gave him some of my potato soup from O'Charley's. He loved it. If you have never had O'Charley's potato soup, the main ingredient is cheese (and probably milk, too). He had a few small bites and was fine. In fact, I had to put some of my "soup" on the chicken in order for him to eat it. Praise the Lord! That is a true answer to prayer from Malachi's parents who put cheese on everything and have a motto that "you can never have too much cheese."

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