
Sunday, September 24, 2006

No more Running on the Bed?!?

Malachi had a diaper explosion sometime last night. He woke up about 6am instead of 8am. I pulled him out of his crib and was instantly wet by his wet-ness. His diaper (a Pamper, I might add) had gotten too full or faulty or something. So the little crystals inside that help absorb the pee had spilled out the top of his diaper. Not only was he soaked, but when I unsnapped his shirt hundreds of wet crystals fell out of his shirt and diaper. Why am I telling you all this, you may ask? To get you to the funny part.

I knew Malachi wouldn't go back to sleep, plus I needed to change the sheet on the bed. I sat and watched SportsCenter while he played (since there is nothing else on at 6:30 in the morning). Since it was Sunday I knew there would be no hope of a nap until the drive home. I let him play. At about 8am, he had breakfast. Then I tried to put him down for a nap (2 hours before his normal naptime). He decided to play instead. After about 10-15 minutes I heard lots of noise from the monitor. I peeked in on Malachi to see him running, and I mean running on his mattress! He was making laps around the bed. The mattress noise makes the effect so much better, I wish you could have seen the look on his face. It was like he was saying, "Hey Momma, look what I can!" I just can't get that image out of my head of my 14 month old making laps around his tiny little bed. Way to be creative kid!

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