
Thursday, November 24, 2005

First Thanksgiving!

Malachi's first Thanksgiving went well. He didn't get a chance to taste the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy on his own. He did, of course, get it all second hand:) For his Thanksgiving lunch, he watched his Mommy, Daddy, Grampa, Grammy, Uncle Josh, Aunt Erin, and Cousin Callie eat from his exersaucer. We tried to give him some mashed potatoes, but he kept spitting them back out. His mouth isn't used to that function yet. We did succeed at getting him to eat a minutely small amount of smashed banana. Again, he was clueless as to how his mouth was to move, but it was cute watching his expressions as he was figuring out the food.

Thanksgiving dinner was a little later in the evening and a little less pleasant. Don't get me wrong, the family was very pleasant! Malachi's bedtime is 7:30pm. He starts getting fussy around 6pm. And what time did dinner start but 6pm! You don't realize how hard it is to keep a baby happy when they are tired, and you are trying to spend quality time with family until you have your own children. I can't name all the people that Malachi got to visit with here, but he did spend some time with his Great-Aunt Betty who kept him happy while his Mommy and Daddy had seconds on turkey and all the trimmings. He also got to visit with his Great-grandma, Great-grandpa, Nana, Grandpa Rick, Aunt Miranda, Uncle Nathan, Aunt Tabitha, and all the extended family, girlfriends, boyfriends, and friends. It was a lot of fun for us to visit, but not a lot of fun to keep a fussy, hungry baby happy when all the family wanted to see him. Thank goodness he is a good baby and very seldom cries!

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