
Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Christmas Parties Have Begun

We have A LOT of FAMILY around us, SO we had our first family Christmas party today. The boys had fun with their cousins on Daniel's Dad's side. It was a 2pm (so not good for naptime), so Malachi had no nap, and I tried to put Ezekiel down early. It kind of worked. Malachi was fine. Z was not horrible but oh-so irritable. It doesn't help that Z has been getting over a HORRIBLE cold (although, Z's colds are always bad. He rarely has easy colds and gets them often). Anywho. Malachi has caught his cold (& Daniel, too). There weren't a lot of presents (which none of us minded), but we did have a good time. The boys got pj's & matching Mr. Potato Heads. We've got plans for Christmas Eve & day. I've also got plans with lots of friends. More to come.What you can't tell from this picture of Ezekiel in the background is that he kept throwing the paper from his presents on the floor to try to mimic what Daddy had done with his wrapping paper towards his dad.

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