
Tuesday, September 09, 2008



"I have lots of hands." - My hands are full. He was sitting in his carseat and had to go potty. I told him to hold it, and we would stop as soon as possible. He had Z's cup and his cup in his hands (being the good big bro that he is). When I said, "hold it," he took it very literally and needed to "hold it!"

"Mommy, you have dog fur on your legs?!" - You need to shave your legs!!! One night last week, I was sitting on the couch after practice with my big boy chatting. He was lightly rubbing my leg while we were talking. Then, he asked that question. It had been over a week since I had shaved, so I guess it was time. It was funny that he compared my legs to dog fur. It was soft enough.


"da-doo, Mom-meee" - Thank you, Mommy. Right now Mommy applies to everyone when he says thank you. It is so cute!

"num-um-ooom-num-um" - yummy

"haa-wu-woo" - hallelujah (said after "praising the Lord" when you cough)

***He can still sign more ("moe"), thank you, and all done. He has gotten very good at signing and trying to say please (usually "pee"). Today he did dog all on his own when I was talking about letting Kiev out. He's been picking up on things so quickly lately. He was nod and say things like "uh-huh" for a yes and "uh-uh" for a no. He just amazes me at how smart he is (as did his older brother at this stage).

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