Sunday after church we left for Myrtle Beach. We headed back on Tuesday morning. It was super short, but we had a great time! We spent about 2 hours out on the beach on Monday morning. Ezekiel slept almost the whole time. Malachi was "screaming" scared of the pool and the ocean, but Daniel kept him out in the water for awhile. And to my surprise, he had a great time and kept going back. He went out with his Daddy a few times, and I took Malachi out once. Z got a great nap on the beach, soaking up the water from the wet sand. We are hoping to go back soon, but it probably won't happen. Here are some pictures:
Malachi loves to act like he is talking on a phone or "hey."
He's been sick this week. Saturday he came down with tonsillitis. We didn't know that was what he had until we made it to the doctor on Monday morning. Wednesday was the worst day of them all. He was sooooooo whiny and could barely get along with anything or anyone. He is feeling better, but now I'm dealing with a child who feels like he can SCREAM to get what he wants. Go figure. I haven't given into him yet when he screams, but he still does it. I've tried different methods to get him to stop. Right now, we're at the "let's ignore him when he screams" method.
It just doesn't make sense. Ever since Ezekiel has been here, Malachi has been sick. That means that he has been sick (off and on) for almost 4 long months now. The boy never had anything more than a cold in his first 19 months of life, and now we've made multiple trips to the doctor with him. He just can't shake his sicknesses. I'm just praying that they go away soon. I want to have two healthy and happy children.
Sundays are crazy around here, but I think Daniel was able to enjoy the evening with his boys. We went to Lancaster's BBQ for Redneck Fries and some awesome NC BBQ. Happy Father's Day, Daniel. It's amazing to think that a little over two years ago, we had NO children.
You are 4 months old today. We had a relatively uneventful day. Now that I am home with you all day long, I was able to quickly figure out your schedule. You take three naps a day, and sleep for awhile at night. About a month ago you started waking up 3-5 times a night instead of 1-2. You easily go back to sleep, though, when nursed. I have tried other methods but none of them have been too successful. We really need to move into our house, so you can have your own space to cry or rock with me. We're hoping to be moved in about 2-3 weeks. I think you'll share your bedroom with the office.You roll over from your back to belly like a champ and are getting better from rolling belly to back. You are getting more "personality" and cuter and cuter by the day. You smile more than you used to. About a week ago, you laughed for the first time. You don't typically laugh for me, but you love to laugh for your Daddy. Just last night, you started laughing at him when he wasn't even trying to make you laugh. Most of the time, your laugh sounds kind of like a muffled, squelched "he, he, he."
We got out your exersaucer yesterday. You seem to like to be "standing" upright, and your big brother loves to show you how to play with all the toys. Most of the time, however, you focus in on the little cat that has a bell inside. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past few days at home with you and am looking forward to the rest of the summer. It is a wonderful thing to think that I don't have to worry about bottles for the next two months.
You still cry a lot, but I have learned to cope and to realize that it's ok to let you cry sometimes. I can't wait to see you continue to grow. I love you little "squirmy wormy!"
These are the last few hours that I have left of work until the middle of August. You see, we had teacher workdays all this week, but I only had 1/2 day of comp. time and other leave due to my maternity leave. I was basically done on Wednesday moving my classroom. Yesterday I did a whole lot of nothing. I tried to plan for next year. Now, I am working until 11:30. I don't have anything to do, but I had to come in if I wanted to get paid. Go figure. I hope Grammy is Ok with both the boys at home. Thanks mom! I owe you one.
I'm going to try to plan some more, but the text book is so boring! There has got to be some more exciting resources out there. I think Social Studies book adoption is up this year. Hopefully there will be some better NC history books out there.
This evening we had a baptism at the YMCA after it closed. The boys were able to swim for a few minutes after the baptism. Malachi and Daniel got in to play, and Malachi SCREAMED the whole time. He even sat next to me with a towel wrapped around him for several minutes which is not like him at all. I guess we'll have to make some trips to the pool this week, because Malachi has swim lessons starting next week that we are paying for!
Apple juice is now pronounced like it should be.
"mote" - remote
"dee-dee" - TV
"deez" - please
"hole-ju-ju" - Hold me
"moe" - more
"shoe-a" - shoe
"ar-ju-ju" - and juice that's not apple
"Uh-bi" - Uncle Billy (Daddy's "boss" and fellow church pastor)
"Uh-da" - Uncle David
"Uh-ja" - Uncle Josh and confused with another Josh at Daddy's work
Just yesterday Malachi pointed at all of our (David, Josh, and I) senior pictures and named all three of us... Uncle David, Uncle Josh, and Momma. He had no help, and that's pretty good considering. Let's senior picture was taken about 6 years ago. Josh's senior picture was taken over ten years ago, and David's senior picture was taken around 15 years ago. We all look quite different than we did back then. As Grandpa would say, "there ain't no flies on that boy."
Two weeks ago (on a Saturday morning) Ezekiel rolled over from his back to his tummy. I was in the bathroom getting ready after my shower, and he was just hanging out on the rug. The next thing I know, Z is laying on his tummy, when I know that I had put him on his back to play.
A few nights before, while Ezekiel was in his crib, he rolled from his tummy to his back. I had to do a double take and think. It was around 3 am, so I wasn't thinking too clearly, but I had to think. Yes, I had put him on his tummy to sleep. I had let him make noise in his crib for awhile (hoping he would go back to sleep). He was able to get himself onto his back, and when Z is on his back, he is NOT sleeping at all. He has done that a few more times in his crib. I still haven't witnessed him go from tummy to back, but that's ok.
He is rolling from back to tummy all the time. I put him on his back, and give him a few minutes, and he's on his tummy. The boy really quite despises his back. IF he falls asleep in the car in his carseat, give him 2 minutes after getting out, and he's awake (screaming).
I don't remember Malachi rolling over that soon, but Ezekiel will probably do a lot of stuff sooner than his older brother did. I think that is the course for the second child. Ezekiel doesn't cry nearly as much as he used to, but its still more than I remember with Malachi. However, he sleeps more than Malachi ever did. So, when Z is awake, he likes to be held. He is so sweet and cuddly when he is awake.
Malachi loves hats now. When he was around 1 year, he hated hats and would NEVER leave one on. Now, it's all about the hats.
I caught Malachi mid word. I had asked him what was on his head, and he answered, "HAT!" That is Ezekiel's new hat that I bought him for this summer.
"Momma" - meaning Momma's hat
Malachi discovered his Carolina hat a few days ago (a gift for Christmas last year). It is toddler size, but is bigger than the one we got for him as a present for when Z was born. He was able to put it on by himself, and this was the result.
I just wanted to let you all know that we are still alive and going strong. I took some pictures of the boys that I will try to post soon. I cleaned most of the weekend. Tomorrow evening is "balance the checkbook" night. Oh, boy! It's been about a month, and we use the card a lot instead of cash. I'm not looking forward to the marathon. Anywho, I'll try to post things soon. Malachi and Ezekiel have been changing so much. I don't want to forget to write it down and share with you all. Good night. Sleep tight. Or in the words of our eldest son, "Ny-ny."