
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Frustrating Foods

I haven't really talked much about my frustration with Malachi's eating habits. About a month or so ago, he decided that he would step into a stage of life that I just wasn't ready for. You see, he has been refusing to eat all vegetables and almost all meats. He went through a time where all he would eat were strawberries. Then it was grapes. Now, he will eat grapes and raisins (his personal fave right now). He will eat almost any kind of bread. He normally won't eat rice or pasta. Today, though, he wanted to eat my pasta that I was eating for lunch. I was very cautious to see how he would react. It had extra cheese thrown in. He is still allergic to cow's milk, so that even more limits our selection of what we can feed him. Anyway, he loved the pasta. He kept eating it and had no reaction to it. I wonder if the cheese that we added to the dish was not derived from a cow (like a goat or buffalo). If that is the case, I might have to season other things with that Romano cheese to give Malachi some options. He usually wants to eat what we are eating but can't due to his allergy. One day he will like something, and the next day he will not. I just don't know what to do with him sometimes.

His newest hang up is that his food cannot be "baby food." I can't buy a jar of stuff to feed him. It has to have texture. This morning, I gave him the spoon to try to feed himself chunky applesauce. He felt the need to drink it like from a cup. He actually enjoyed this method a lot and did eat the food. Now I just have to get him to eat vegetables.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Welcome to the world of toddlerhood. You will go through stages of him eating everything in sight to not eating hardly anything at all. It's frustrating but normal. And you just have to stick to offering him things over and over again. It's hard, I know, believe me!

Also, you can research on the Internet different foods that are okay to eat/make for kids with food allergies. That might help!