I've been wanting to get rid of your bop during the day, and only use it at sleep times, but with the past month and a half, I've abandoned that thought until we can get you better. Malachi will be getting rid of his bop this summer as well as going to Potty Training Boot Camp. So, I figured it would be a good time for you to get rid of that nasty pacifier that I never wanted you to have but others insist that you use. I've only got two more weeks of work until I'm out for summer, so look out!
You are sooooo, soooooo, sooooooooo SMART. You can pull yourself all the way up on the toilet seat all on your own. You can step up on the stool in the bathroom to see the fish and get down safely. You understand most of what I am saying, like "let's go wake up Malachi." Just yesterday, you finished off your milk in the car and shook the bottle in your hand and said, "ah-da" (all done). You say "da-da" when you see Daddy. You can say, "ba-ba" (bye-bye) when leaving someone---if you are in the mood. You used to sign thank you, but you don't care to do that anymore. You can take one of your cars and push it on the floor like it is supposed to be used. You love to push your lawnmower around the house that your Nana & Maw-maw bought you. You can eat with a fork or spoon (when you want). Just today, you were eating rice & beans really well with an adult fork. You go, boy! AND, YOU CAN'T SIT STILL EVER, AT ANY TIME, AT ANY MOMENT THAT YOU ARE AWAKE, EVER. You are all boy, but so different from your brother.
I think you may be the rebellious one compared to your brother. I'm not comparing to say that you are worse or better, but your brother was all that I knew until you came along. And, I am totally amazed at how God can cause 2 boys, 19 months apart, with the same parents to be sooo incredibly different.
I love to see you smile. After a day at work, you will run as fast as your little legs will carry you into my arms for your needed hugs. You are a Momma's boy right now. It's Ok by me. I enjoy the cuddles while I can get them. The stillest moments of your day, besides when you are sleeping, is when I am carrying you around. You like to dance to music (even when Malachi & I are singing). You try to talk to us and join in our conversations at time. I just have one more thing to say...
Can you please stop growing up so fast? You'll be speaking in sentences in about 6-9 months. Stop being so advanced! Can't you stay young a little longer (I'd say small, but you are still small--19 - 20 lbs. on any given day)!
I can't imagine life without you, and I am so proud to be your Momma. Thank you for being such a sweet, sensitive, and incredible little toddler. God has blessed us with the best "surprise" that we could have asked for.
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