
Friday, June 27, 2008

A Brothers' First

Yesterday, our boys had their first brotherly "fight." Malachi was playing with some toys and did not want to share with Ezekiel. Z went over and got Malachi's toys anyway. Malachi snatched them back and started lightly poking Z in retaliation for taking "his toys." Ezekiel took a second to compose himself, and before I could fuss at Malachi, Z went over and bear hugged Malachi and pushed him down on the floor. It was great! Then, they laughed and played together. It was sooo funny!

I wanted to make sure that I documented it. My 19 lb. 16-month-old can hold his own against his 35 lb. about-to-be-3-year-old brother. It's on now!

I've put some random pictures down below that were taken on Monday (not the day of the fight)!Brothers with "matching" Sold Out Soldier in Christ's Army shirts

This is what Ezekiel looked like after feeding himself dinner (yogurt included). That boy LOVES to eat with a spoon and fork!

What's up, Dawg?
This is Malachi's hat the we bought him at the beach. He didn't take it off for about 3 days. He slept in it, and only took it off to bathe. Funny boy!

Wrestling with Momma before bed

This bird took up residence for about 12 hours on Malachi's bike. It didn't seem to be scared of us until Kiev came out being the bully that she is:)

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