
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Eatin' 'Nannies and Rolling Over

About a week and a half ago we started feeding Malachi bananas. This is his first food (besides milk). The first two times I fed him it was a little challenging. Now, he can eat them like a pro. He eats about a third to a half of a regular sized banana once a day. He usually opens his mouth and readily accepts the food. I think we'll stick with bananas for a little while until he either gets teeth or hits six months, and we start him on some baby food. Who knows! We'll play it by ear. He is doing so well. It is still quite comical to see him spit some out of his mouth along with a lot of drool, but like I said before, he does really well for being 5 months old.

Malachi can also roll over from his back to his belly like crazy. He still doesn't like to be on his belly for very long, but it takes him no time to get from back to front. In the mornings or if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he often rolls over in his frustration or light sleeping pattern. He has slept for an hour or so the past few mornings on his belly after I have gotten up for work and am about to head out the door.

1 comment:

Erin said...

It's funny that right when Malachi has started eating bananas, Callie has been begging for bananas at every meal. Only she'll eat the whole thing by herself and want more when she's done.
We can't wait to see you guys!