
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Getting Bigger and Stronger
Everyday is a new adventure here at the Honeycutt house. I just love watching my son grow (most of the time). The first two weeks of his life were very difficult for me. He was having problems "latching on," and I was so sore and uncomfortable. Plus my emotions and hormones were going on a rollercoaster ride trying to adjust from pregnancy to motherhood. There were the few first sleepless nights. There were a few times that I threw Malachi at Daniel and told him to give him formula. It is all beginning to get better. Malachi is still feeding a lot. He usually can't go for more than 2 hours without throwing a fit to tell me he is hungry. The only time that he really cries, though, is when he is hungry. If he sleeps for 2-3 hours, he wakes up and is famished. There is no time for him to smack his lips and look longingly at me. No, he just wails at the top of his lungs. I can't complain, though. He really is a good baby. He rarely cries without a reason. He is eating better and beginning to sleep a little better. The past two nights he has slept in his bassinet. That gives me a nice reprieve from my son. He will still wake up every 1-3 hours to eat, but at least I get some alone time in the bed (well, alone time still includes Daniel sleeping in the bed). Right now he is laying on his kick and crawl aquarium making cute noises. He has moved about a foot from the spot that I mput him in. He is getting good at scooting his body around. Ok, enough for now. I'll get more updates up later. Much love to all!

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