
Monday, July 19, 2010

Dear Malachi,

We just got back from visiting NC for 2 weeks. While we were there, you had your 5th birthday. Last year, you had your 4th birthday in Florida while we were visiting and interviewing for the job. The last 2 birthdays have been spent away from "home." I'm sorry, buddy. Thankfully, you've had the "month of your birthday" and have enjoyed it.
I love you sooooo much, sweet boy. You are sweet, most of the time. You listen pretty well and LOVE to learn new things. You ask about 100 questions a day. Not always do the questions make sense or need to be asked, but I'm glad that you are learning from your surroundings. I know that you will do well in kindergarten next month. I'm looking forward to seeing you begin to read and spell. You haven't made all the phonics connections yet, but your phonemic awareness is awesome!!! (I know, I'm a dork. I learned the difference in my reading courses I have to take).

More and more, I desire to homeschool and stay home with you (and your brother). Malachi, because you learn so much from your surroundings, you often pick up bad habits/choices from friends and family. I want you to make the right choices. You are soooooo stubborn and try to throw fits, something you rarely did until the past year. You stomp your feet and make noises and try to be upset. I know you do this to get your way and not because you are truly mad, because I can easily get you laughing to change your mood. You would probably learn best from someone else in a school-setting, but I would love to try to teach you. I'm not totally sure how efficient the teachers are at your school, but I hope you will get a good one who likes you for who you are.

You can be cuddly and affectionate when you want to be. Sometimes you are a little too touchy. I'm trying to work with you on that. You will understand why later, but more than that you just need to listen and be less clingy with things that are new. You can be a great helper, when you want to be. Other times you are the biggest hindrance to progress. Overall, you are an INCREDIBLE child. I'm am soooo thankful for God sending you to us. I love to see you grow and learn.

Even though you were fully tongue-tied at birth. Your little "surgery" has seemed to help. I don't detect any speech problems. There are a few words/sounds that we are working on now, but they are not problematic and repetitive. You can use every sound in the English language. We just have to break some bad habits.

You've also been through a lot this past year with your little brother being so sick. You missed out on a lot of attention because our efforts had to be focused on Z. You were jealous at times, which is totally warranted, but, overall, you handled it well. I try to spend special time with you only, now. Usually, though, you want Z around. He's your buddy. I'm thankful for how well the 2 of you are friends and play together. We hope to add some little ones to our family later that would be close together like you and Z. Because you are so gracious with your brother, I know that you will be gracious with little brothers/sisters. I worry more about Z than you when it comes to this issue.

Responsible can also be another word to describe you. You know your allergies. You know what you can eat and what you can't. If you want to try something new, and I say know because I'm not sure how you will react, you accept the answer and move on. You will tell people who forget about your allergies or what you can't eat. How great you handle it!!! I am so thankful that So Delicious makes soy ice cream! At VBS a few weeks ago, you had your first soda float with vanilla ice cream! Every kid should be able to have vanilla ice cream! You were excited, and I was excited for you that you could be like every other kid and have a float. That doesn't always happen. You have your own cheese, too. Veggie cheese (made from tofu, I guess) is a wonderful thing to have. We can make you cheeseburger mac or just plain mac n cheese, now. You adore it!
I love you, Malachi James! I can't wait to take you to
your first day of school and, then, receive my middle schooler (teary-eyed). You are a wonderful child and young man. I'm looking forward to seeing you grow even more. Love you!!!


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