
Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear Malachi,

This is one of the hardest notes that I have written to you. The past few weeks, you have decided to throw fits. I don't mean little ones. I mean, screaming, crocodile tears, non-stop for at least 15 minutes. Those fits are usually over little things. I think we have discovered the "root" of these fits, but I won't have to tell you here. I'll remember for later.

We go through several days of fits until I can't take much more. This usually means a L.O.N.G. talk in the car-ride home & something drastic that we have to do (like going to bed without dinner - of course, after about 30min. that takes you to realize we mean business, then you can eat). I don't like these at all. I know that we have raised you to be polite & respectful and to accept "no" as an answer. You can't ALWAYS get what you want.

However, the next day, you are a perfect angel (like today). I wish we could have days like today all week long. It would make life so much less stressed. I love to praise you and hug you for doing the right things. I do NOT like to punish you. I don't like to punish anyone (even my students), but it is something that I feel that I have learned to do effectively.

Well, son, you are growing up so fast. You continue to improve on your speech. You are excited about going to school in August (4K). We have gotten free uniforms to last us through that year (unless you get an unexpected growth spurt). We are blessed, and so are you.

You love to pray for the food and at night before bed. Miss Nicki taught you "God Our Father." Anytime we talk about prayer, the first thing out of your mouth is, "Let's say, 'God Our Fa-ver.'" I love to see you say it at the dinner table (or at snack with your friends) with such fervency and eyes closed. It is such a blessing. I'm glad you like to pray.

And you L-O-V-E to sing, still. You and Ezekiel will belt some major tunes in the car or at home. Your favorite song is "I won't (don't want to) gain the whole world" by Toby Mac. You even call it "my song." It's funny that the song I wrote for you to the tune of Avalon's Adonai is now a distant memory to Toby Mac. I can't complain, though. As much as you like music (just like your momma), it is such a blessing to know that I don't have to worry about you singing inappropriate songs. You will sing almost any song on the radio, and that is a great thing.

I can't wait to see you turn 4. You've been expecting your birthday (July 9) to come since January, but you are waiting. I hope that we can move from the "trying threes" to the Fabulous Fours (?).

I love you, Malachi James. I am so thankful for you and the responsible nature that is within you. Many times you are so much more caring & thoughtful of others than I could ever hope to be. Keep that spirit with you always.

Much love,
Momma :)

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