
Friday, February 06, 2009

Conversations with Ezekiel & Malachi

At dinner tonight...

Z - (pooted) I poot
Daniel - yes, you did
Me - say excuse me
Z - skooz - ee, I poot
Z - I poot (much louder and in the cutest voice)
M & D - lots of giggles (tried to suppress them but only encourage the Z-man)
Z - Daddy, I poot! I poot! I poot!

At 4:45am (this morning)...

Malachi - (knock, knock, knock) Mommy!
Me - (opens door) What's wrong, sweetie?
MJ - Mommy, I said bleh in my bed.
M - did you through up in your bed.
MJ - Yes, I said bleh in my bed.
M - did you get any on you?
MJ - No, I said bleh on my bed.
M - OK. go lay on the couch while I clean it up.
(Thankfully, it wasn't much and he felt better by about 10am.)

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