
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ezekiel Luke!!!


Today is your first birthday! I sang Happy Birthday to you this morning right before I left for work. You just smiled at me as I sang. I know that you didn't understand, but I want you to know that I didn't forget in the midst of life and that I will love you forever. I'm planning to make or buy your favorite meal for dinner tonight---mashed potatoes! Daddy has to work, but we are planning on having fun tomorrow night and Saturday at our combined birthday party with Kyla.

As I was singing to you this morning, I realized that it was a little ironic. You were born at 11:54pm on this day one year ago. I am still a little amazed at how quickly and easily you came. I didn't have any clue that you would be here today until about 1pm (in about 5th or 6th period). I was at work, doing what I was hoping to be able to do for 2 more days, but you had a different plan. I was making sub plans for the next few days and weeks at this point in time exactly a year ago.

You have added so much joy to my life. It hasn't been easy, but you are sooo worth it. You may have been a "surprise," but you better never think that you were not wanted! You are a wonderful surprise gift from God. I can't imagine life without you. I love to cuddle with you and make you laugh. You love to hold onto my fingers to walk. You crawl so incredibly fast and can climb almost as well. You love to "Praise the Lord" by throwing your hands over your head and smiling that huge toothy grin. You'll keep doing it and knowing you are cute. The look on your face is priceless.

I love you, Ezekiel Luke. Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Happy birthday, Z! We love you and wish we could celebrate with you. See you soon!
Love from all of us :)